Gr. Officers Conferring of Degrees Dinner 5:30pm, Meeting 7pm Formal Attire State College Masonic Lodge 240 S. Fraser Street State College, Pa 16801 Res Made (By October 31, 2024) No Charge Lisa Weaver 111 Sellers Lane Port Matilda, Pa 16870 H.814-237-7205 C.814-880-0824
Stated Meeting 7pm, Formal Attire Brossman Ballroom One Masonic Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-367-1121 Res Made (By November 5, 2024) Marjory Woodburn 17 Jackson Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 C.717-991-9780
“Paintin’ with Grace” Dinner 6:30pm, Casual Attire Harrisburg Consistory 2701 N. 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 Res Made (By October 30, 2024) $15.00 Checks Payable to: Grand Chapter of PA, OES, Inc. Jan Harms, DGM 29 Greenmont Drive Enola, PA 17025 717-319-2392
100th Anniversary Banquet Luncheon 2pm, Business Attire The Silver Moon Banquet Hall 137 Silvermoon Lane Lewisburg, PA 17837 570-568-8580 Res Made (By October 21, 2024) $30.00 Checks Payable to: Lewisburg OES #394 Teena Zimmerman 670 Middle Road Pennsdale, PA 17756 C.570-419-4537
Light Dinner 6pm, Meeting 7pm Formal Attire Masonic Lodge 201 Washington Street Birdsboro, Pa 19508 610-582-4479 Res Made (By October 31, 2024) $10.00 Checks Payable to: Bird Chapter #460 Karin Pell 20 Sunrise Drive Boyertown, PA 19512 610-473-8732
“It’s Turtle Time” Light Dinner 5:30pm, Meeting 7pm Formal Attire 1103 Sixth Street North Catasauqua, PA 18032 570-617-8529 Res Made (By October 31, 2024) $20.00 Checks Payable to: Rose Croix Chapter #235 Madelyn Kemp 8416 Seemsville Road Northampton, PA 18067 H.610-837-6083 C.610-442-5312
102nd Birthday Luncheon and Grand Ruth Honor Day “Sand Dollars and Stars” Social 11:30am, Luncheon 12:30 Business Attire Masonic Center of York 400 Masonic Drive York, PA 17406 Res Made (By November 4, 2024) $26.00 Checks Payable to: White Rose Chapter #360 OES Connie Wood 1753 Normandie Drive York, PA 17408 C.717-424-0143
Dinner 5pm, Meeting 7pm Formal Attire Adams Lodge Masonic Temple 101 South Carlisle Street New Bloomfield, PA 17068 717-503-4424 Res Made (By Nov. 12, 2024) No Charge Olive Stoops P.O. Box 44 New Bloomfield, PA 17068 H.717-582-2158 C.717-5034424
“Singing with the Oldies” Dinner 6pm, Casual Attire Hollidaysburg Chapter #471 1008 Edgar Street Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 Res Made (November 1, 2024) $10.00 Checks Payable to: Grand Chapter of Pa, OES, Inc. Noreen Gault, DGM 413 W 18th Street Tyrone, PA 16686 C.814-934-9308