1988 Worthy Grand Matron

Fern E. Becker

379 Chapters

Membership – 78,254

We Lost 9 Chapters But Membership Remained The Same. The Long Range Committee To Study Sites And Future Sessions Recommended That Grand Chapter Consider Erie, Altoona, And Mt. Airy Lodge In The Poconos For Future Sessions. The Cost Of Philadelphia & Pittsburgh Was Too Expensive.

The Per Capita Tax Increased $.50 And Pro-Rated. The General Fund Increased From $2.00 To $2.50. Total Per Capita – $5.50.

Greeting Cards Were Sent To’ Members This Year. Project Realized $94,000, To Benefit Homes.

Grand Trustees Reported That They Would Proceed With Plans To Make Renovations At Eastern Home, Cost To Be Within The Boundaries Of The Funds Available In The Eastern Restricted Trust.

Credentials –
367 Chapters Represented
439 Present Officers
1527 Past Officers

1988 Worthy Grand Patron

James W. Ivey