1992 Worthy Grand Matron
Janet S. Harvey
330 Chapters Membership 66,572
The Motion To Incorporate Our Grand Chapter Was Approved At This Session
We Lost Two Districts 25-C And 26-E Making A Total Of 43 Districts In The State.
Aim: To Share Our Love For One Another To Give Steadfast Loyalty To Our Obligation As We Continue To Build Upon The Cornerstone Of Fraternal Friendship.
Emblem: The Crown
Registration 306 Chapters Represented 2,439. Grand Total Registered
Those Affected By Hurricane Andrew Our Members Generously Contributed. $ 17,888 To Florida $ 8,944 To Louisiana
Other Contributions Included: $ 11,811 To The Four Diamonds Fund (For The Care Of Children With Cancer $ 137,927 To Fraternal Fund $ 12,872 To Estarl $ 36,000 To Educational Scholarship $ 67,782 To Caring And Sharing $ 197,097.02 To Homes Auxiliary And Homes Service
Residence In The Homes
54 Western
50 Eastern