Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern has named the latest Susquehanna Service Dogs litter! Learn more and follow their progress here.

2006 Worthy Grand Matron

Melody K. Sorge

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

The Once-In-A-Lifetime journey has begun!  Brother Don and I are honored yet humbled to be serving as your Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron.  With this honor comes responsibility.  It is our responsibility to ensure that the principles and precepts taught by our beautiful Order are promoted and upheld.  With the help of God and the love from you, our Sisters and Brothers, we will succeed in our endeavors.

We look forward to the many itinerary events scheduled throughout the next year and meeting and greeting the members across the State.  This will be an unforgettable journey and its experiences and memories will be etched in our minds for a lifetime.

As we travel the Eastern Star Trail, it is our aim to remember and live the “Obligation” that was taken at our sacred Altar. Even though “Peacemakers” was not formed as a Special Committee, each one of us can be Peacemakers in our Chapters and in our daily walks of life. We commend to you, in your Star relationships and friendships the duty of living the Obligation.  Don’t be afraid to take the first step in being a Peacemaker; gentleness is not weakness.

Brother Don and I thank you for your continued service to our Order and wish for your Chapters much success in the future.  In your service always remember to promote Peace, Harmony and Star Love.

In Star Love and Mine,

Melody K. Sorge
Worthy Grand Matron

2006 Worthy Grand Patron

Donald P. Line