2014 Worthy Grand Matron

HelenBeth G.Vilcek


Thank you for the confidence you have placed in us by electing us your Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron.  We look forward to meeting and greeting many of our members as we travel throughout Pennsylvania during the next year.

We will need everyone’s assistance in order to make our charitable goals a reality and to make certain that the ritualistic work of our beautiful order continues to shine.

HelenBeth G. Vilcek, Worthy Grand Matron
Frank L. Einsel, Worthy Grand Patron

WGM: This is the day that the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
THEME: In everything give thanks
WGM EMBLEM: Leaves and Acorn
Fun Emblem: Black Cat
WGP EMBLEM: Cornucopia
Fun Emblem: Rescue Dog
COLORS: Gold, Rust and Burgundy
SPECIAL PROJECT: Caravan for Cancer

Special Committees

These descriptions are highlights of each committee. 

The General Chairmen and Sectional Chairmen will give the Regional Appointments in depth directions, suggestions, and guidelines.

Aluminum for Alzheimer’s – Convert your aluminum into cash.  Monies realized from this project will be donated to fund research.  This is also an outreach project of our General Grand Chapter.

Caravan for Cancer – Sponsor the WGM and WGP as they travel throughout all 27 regions of the state on five separate road rallies.  Our goal is to purchase vans to be donated to cancer societies to help transport patients to treatment centers.  Education to raise awareness will also be a component of this committee.

Caring and Sharing – There will be three events:  Eastern – 10/18/14; Western – 10/25/14; Central – 1/24/15.  These will be Vera Bradley/Longaberger Bingo events.  Our Caring and Sharing projects benefit the Fraternal Fund which helps our members stretch their income.

Fraternal Bridges – Luggage tags will be sold, with the proceeds being split between our youth organizations.  Other fraternal organizations will be promoted with the hope of strengthening ties.

Going Postal for Education – Save your cancelled stamps.  Monies realized from this project will be used to fund our scholarships.

Golden Stars – There will be three sectional Golden Stars luncheons held in an effort to honor as many of our 50 year members as possible:  Western – 12/6/14; Eastern – 1/31/15; Central – 3/7/15.

Have a Heart – Education to raise awareness about heart disease plus an event will be held February 21, 2015 to support our General Grand Chapter appointment.  Plans are still being made…

Homespun – Volunteer outreach will be visible by providing caps for premature babies, lap robes for shut-ins, caps for cancer patients and other worthy outlets.  Start stitching – patterns will be provided.

Masonic Villages – There will be three events:  Western – 12/6/14; Eastern – 1/31/15; Central – 3/7/15.  No meals will be held in conjunction with these events, but everyone is encouraged to attend the Golden Stars luncheons held that same day.

MS Lights the Night – Education to raise awareness about MS plus sponsor special luminaries at Grand Chapter to help promote our Eastern Star outreach project.  .

Newspaper – Once again our quarterly newspaper will provide behind the scenes information about our members and activities.

Support Our Military – In addition to facility representatives, there will be regional representatives to support our General Grand Chapter appointment.  If there aren’t any veteran’s facilities in close proximity to your chapter, your donations will be credited to a service dog project.

ThanksGivers – We want to keep in touch with our members with cards and other means of communication.

WellWishers – The WellWishers are good will ambassadors to promote a sense of community and caring.


2014 Worthy Grand Patron

Frank L. Einsel,


WGP: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3: 5—6
THEME: In everything give thanks
WGM EMBLEM: Leaves and Acorn
Fun Emblem: Black Cat
WGP EMBLEM: Cornucopia
Fun Emblem: Rescue Dog
COLORS: Gold, Rust and Burgundy
SPECIAL PROJECT: Caravan for Cancer