2022 Worthy Grand Matron

Linda M. Dimino

Message from the Worthy Grand Matron….

My Sisters and Brothers, it is with great humility, honor, and privilege that I serve as your Worthy Grand Matron.  I cannot adequately express my gratitude for the trust and confidence that you, the members, have placed in me.

Brother David and I trust that you will continue to attend as many Eastern Star events as your schedule will allow.  Maintaining traditions and enjoying fellowship is what sets our organization apart from others.

For just a moment, imagine that snow is lightly falling, crisp wind is gently blowing, and you are beginning to plan for the December holidays.  Do you feel that special feeling of kindness just thinking about that time of the year? 

It is my hope that together we can keep the Warmth of the Season throughout the year.  To that end, let us strive to promote Peace and Harmony in all we do.

Fraternally, Linda M. Dimino

THEME: Warmth of the Season.

AIM: To promote peace, harmony and kindness in all we do
To increase our community’s awareness of Our beautiful Order.

MOTTO: Be a blessing to someone each day.

EMBLEMS: Dove – Symbol of Peace and Harmony, Moravian Star

FLOWERS: Stargazer Lilies, Peace Rose, and Forget-Me-Not’s

COLORS:  Orchid, Dark Green, Pink and a touch of Silver

Scripture:   For we have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him. Mathew 2:2

How wonderful it is and how pleasant for God’s people to live

SPECIAL PROJECT:  CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) and Central PA

2022 Worthy Grand Patron

J. David McKibben

MESSAGE to my Sisters and Brothers,

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven”. Matthew 5:16. My Bible verse speaks out to each of us as we begin a new Grand Chapter year. Will you let your light shine brighter to other sisters and brothers or those in your community this year? Maybe its mentoring a new member that recently joined your chapter, or presenting a new fundraising idea, or doing something special for our Veterans; there are many ways to make your individual light shine before others this year.

As Linda and I prepare to travel to our many itinerary events this year I hope to see your guiding lights shining brightly for our Order.

I am honored to have the privilege to serve as your Worthy Grand Patron. Remember to be a guiding light, a beacon of inspiration, kindness and hope for those around you!

Fraternally,  David McKibben Worthy Grand Patron

Scriptures:  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.
Mathew 5:16

Theme:  Be a Guiding Light, and a beacon of inspiration, kindness and hope for those around you.

Emblem: Lighthouse

Special Project:  CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) and Central PA, Down Syndrome Awareness Group