First Row Left to Right: Monte Kemmler, Paraphnelia; Rebecca (Becky) Gohn, Secretary; Donna Williams, Co-Chair & Grand Banquet; Rhonda M. Johnson, Worthy Grand Matron; Clyde C. Stine, Worthy Grand Patron; Carole Baker, Chairman; Gloria Rogers, Treasurer; William Johnston, Transportation & Vendors.
Second Row: Miranda Peruso, Pages; Orpha Kemmler, Hospitality; Wendy D’Agostino, Necrology; Bonnie Tucker, Out of State Entertainment; Mary Ann Naugle, Saturday Night Entertainment; Ruth Giba, Souvenirs.
Third Row: Ruth Hughes, Out of State Registration & Seating; Shirley Edwards, Daily Luncheons; Judy Lewis, Housing; Beth Lewis, Choir; Edna Gensel, Divine Service; Dolores Fisher, Decorations.